零司 【レイジ】


A displaced oni from an unknown time period, or even world.
Since coming to live in ours, he has undergone significant changes, but still struggles to fit in a world where monsters and demons aren't exactly common place.

He's has since adopted a more human like-appearance and lives among the average populace.
He works as a
personal trainer, fitness instructor and life coach.

Full Profile | Relationships (WIP)

Account Info (WIP) | Rules (WIP) | Credits

Gabriel Reyes



Gabriel Reyes came upon Seno in the late modern era. Having a steely determination to not allow the man to bear his curse alone, Reyes defied Seno vehemently to drill the point home that he does not need to isolate himself from his emotions, perhaps knowing what sort of consequences such a life would bring him.

At present, Seno is humoring the idea of a relationship with Gabriel, however he is still quite unsure on the inner workings of such a relationship, and doesn't consider it as such. However, around Gabriel, he seems to be able to express himself a bit more freely, without worrying about the influence of his helmet.




Another helmet bearing man. While it's clear Mordekaiser isn't under some sort of curse, he is bold and has tremendous power at his disposal, which interests Seno.

After a confusing first impression, Seno is increasingly wary of Morde, however it seems Morde has developed a fondness for Seno for his no-nonsense approach to others.

Human Seno




A strange young mage with a sly tongue who has taken an express interest in Seno's helmet. While Seno thinks little of him, it is clear Vyri doesn't intend to let the helm bearer go so easily.

Quick Facts

Full Name:
Otakemaru Reiji
大嶽丸 零司

大嶽丸 Otakemaru - A famous oni from mythology. Meaning great mountain peak.

零司 Reiji - Common name.
Uses the kanji for Zero and Rule

Approx. 4690 years

8 Feet, 6 Inches

410 Lbs

Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor

Hyper Athletic

Key Measurements:
Chest: 89.9 inches
Biceps: 41 inches
Cock: 21'' x 11''

Human Seno

Pictured: Reiji's true appearance

Gay [Occasional bisexual tendencies]

Sake, working up a sweat
intimidating others, nature

Personal intimacy, lazy people, whiners, cold weather, disobedience,
being told what to do


Born as Reiji Ikeda (池田 零司) , Reiji was born into wealth, as his father was the head of a large syndicate in the one of the largest yakuza clans of the 17th century. Once he passed away, he was sent to hell and became an Oni as punishment for his crimes.


Human Seno

Pictured: Reiji Ikeda


Life after Death


Reiji Today

Pictured: Reiji Today



The concept of Reiji and the writing behind the account belongs to the writer of the account @OtherworldlyOni

All artwork used to portray Reiji are not property of the writer and do not reflect the original artists works or intentions in any capacity.

Takemaru is copyright of
Lifewonders Co. and designed by RybiOK

This account is purely a fan-created work and does not intend to infringe upon any rights herein.

Work primarily featured include art by:
@chunchunmen (Pinned Image)
@saltypoundcake (Blue Oni design)
@sakuramaru123 (Reiji Ikeda design)
@rybiok (Takemaru's design)

Fanart of unknown sources.
(will source when possible.)

Thank you!

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Thank you for taking interest in my account. This project started so small but then I ended up constantly adding up to the point where I felt it necessary I needed a carrd to cram all the info about Seno into it.

The end-goal for @ChestKnight is for Seno to eventually break the curse of the helm on his head. I intend on having this happen through interactions on Twitter.

That being said, a lot of story-important interactions will be less on the lewd side unless one day I just decide the helmet is satiated lol.

With all that out of the way, here is some pertinent information you need to know about this account:

Human Seno

Seno will interact with anyone, of any gender, species, or age. This does not however guarantee lewd content. I will not roleplay lewd content with minors or cubs. Furries are welcome.

Seno has memory issues due to the curse of the helm. If you interacted with Seno in a particular forme, there is a chance he will not remember you.

Seno is bisexual with an extreme preference for men as he's had far too many illegitimate children in the past.

While Seno is ageless, and incredibly strong. He is not immortal, and is capable of dying.
Just not of old age.

All of his formes are weak to piercing weapons.
[Stabbing Weapons, Lances, etc.]

All of his formes can lactate.
Because I like it. And I want them to.

This account is multiverse, and multi-ship. As with being ageless, he's capable of existing in several different eras.

No, you do not have to ignore the fact he might be wearing a helmet in modern day settings.

Interactions that are considered canon to his storyline will be dictated by the writer. By RPing with me, you agree to potentially be part of his character growth.

There are helms I could not fit onto carrd that I may use sometimes. In those cases I might make a small summary post of the helm in question.

I will be extremely selective in who I interact with for development's sake. Do not take this to heart.

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Normally I'm not a stickler for rules, but considering the story-heavy centralization of this character, I feel like it's a little necessary.

Human Seno

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You may send DMs to plot if you wish, though the quickest and easiest way to interact with Seno is ti simply send an @ and let it flow from there.

Seno is multi-ship, and multi-verse. However, he will only ever have a relationship with someone in that particular era. [Modern, Furry Modern, etc.]
A relationships page will be developed as the character develops.

Expect mild amounts of god-modding when dealing with more powerful versions of Seno's formes. If you are afraid of things getting out of control, DM me so we can discuss outcomes. I am not afraid to allow Seno to lose.

Do not use meta information to your advantage. This includes his real name, weaknesses, etc. These are things that should be learned through interaction.

One-shot lewd RPs will not affect his story in anyway. If you're just here for the dick, tits, or ass,
go ahead and get it.

Proper grammar and spelling is an absolute must.
I will not budge on this.

I have more than one account to attend to, and I also do have things I enjoy outside of RPing.

There are numerous reasons why I might not reply. Do not take it as an offense against you. I am very honest and will straight up tell you if there's an issue.

I don't overload myself with more than a few RPs at once. I'm at most responding to 3-5 people at a time.

More info will be added if necessary.